
A beet plugin is essentially a Python function that takes the build context as an argument.

from beet import Context, Function

def add_greeting(ctx: Context):["example:hello"] = Function(["say hello from a plugin"])

The Context object lets you access the data pack with the data attribute. Similarly, you are able to get the resource pack with the assets attribute.

Just adding this file won't change anything. That's because plugins need to be used inside the beet pipeline in the config:

  "data_pack": {
    "load": ["src"]
  "pipeline": [
  "output": "build"

Modifying existing files#

Plugins can introspect and modify any part of the build. For example, the following plugin prepends every function with its name:

from beet import Context, Function

def function_headers(ctx: Context):
  for name, func in
    func.lines.insert(0, f"# {name}")